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June 10th to 22nd 2024

BIO of the artist

Lidia Boševski graduated from the School of Applied Arts over a period of five years in Zagreb, and the Faculty of Technology - department of Textile and Clothing Design. In the early 1990s, Boševski focused on painting with combined graphic techniques; at that stage of her career, the artist has achieved a number of group andsolo exhibitions.

In 2002, her focus shifted to the medium of ceramics. Lydia's works and projects are inspired by nature, textures, structures, materials and natural shapes.
With the opening of the Owl studio in 2005, she developed new creative approaches through research and the use of natural local materials, artistic expression and design. She has achieved about 20 solo and participated in 70 group exhibitions of ceramics. She is a member of artistic organizations Hdlu, Ulupuh and Hzsu.

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